Import iTunes Ratings     [ download ]

When I moved my iTunes music collection from Vista to OS X, I was surprised there was no way to bring over the the ratings I had given to each track as well. This was a major suck, as the playlists I listened to the most where "Smart Playlists" that used my ratings.

I first tried to implement this as an AppleScript, which is seriously the worst programming language ever. Not only that, but if you have a decent iTunes library, AppleScript can't load it. Think about that for a second: an Apple product cannot consume the data created by another Apple product. I'm sorry, but that's just bad.

Eventually I gave it a shot in Python & had a working solution in less than an hour.


  1. Install appscript.
  2. Download
  3. On the new computer, back up your "iTunes Music Library.xml" file.
  4. Copy "iTunes Music Library.xml" from the old computer to the new.
  5. Fire up Terminal & run python "iTunes Music Library.xml"