In case you hadn't heard already, Diana, my wife, is pregnant! She's already almost 6 months, so the due date is late November. We're both totally excited, although it's pretty weird to imagine some person looking at me and thinking "dad". The ride thusfar has been pretty crazy. Some good moments, lots of not-so-good moments. I won't bore anyone with the gory details... but I'll post more thoughts on this later.
Diana and I tend to think of ourselves as a herd, which makes sense if you realize that we have 3 cats. So, when you think about it, we're really just evening up the teams - 3 cats, 3 people.
I really look forward to watching what our cats do with the kid. They are pretty skittish most of the time, so I think it'll be good for a ton of laughs.
It's kinda suprising how little info there is for fathers-to-be. There are tons and tons of books on pregnancy, pre-labor, labor, birth, breast-feeding etc., but there are almost no books on what I should be thinking about as a father. At first, I thought this kinda sucked. But, I've also read several of the books targetted to mothers... and most of them are full of what seems either complete bs or stuff so simple I'm amazed they paid for the ink to print it. Of course, there are some good nuggets here and there, but I've read a couple of the Dr. Sears books - we now own the whole set - and most of it is just goofy.
Oh well. I guess this is what people mean when they say there's no book for this stuff. (I wonder if there are blogs for fathers-to-be. Know any?)