February 11, 2005

who knew *he* blogged?

Here's one for the "who the hell knew this guy blogged?" category:

Dave Navarro... you can catch his blog at http://6767.typepad.com/news/.

I'm not really into believing celebrities, just 'cuz they're famous. But it's kinda funny to see how far the blog stuff has spread (or the "blogosphere" if you want to use the ubergeek term.)

Posted by dave at 05:21 PM | Comments (0)

February 07, 2005

What a karmic debt looks like

I am not sure that I truly believe in karma, but sometimes, it definitely seems quite real.

Tonight, I called Diana at about 6.30 to tell her that I was going to the gym. She asked that I wait for her, since her car is in the shop, and couldn't get there on her own. I really wanted to go, but I thought it would be nice to go together, especially since she wouldn't be able to go otherwise. So, I headed home to wait.

I like 24, the show, but I haven't had a chance to see it this season because it conflicts with Desperate Housewives. Because of the superbowl, 24 was scheduled for tonight, Monday, at 9. So, I happily set tivo to record the show.

Diana got home at about 7.30, starving because she hadn't had lunch. So, she had a quick bowl of cereal for dinner. After we waited for about 30 minutes for digestion, we get ready to go to the gym. As I am waiting at the door, she remembers that her gym membership card is attached to her keys, and her keys are at the repair shop.

Dejected, she slumped back down on the couch, and I headed off to the gym at about 8.15.

After a decent 45 minute workout, I come back home just before 10, looking forward to watching the recorded episode of 24. As I walk in, I notice that Diana is watching QVC (of which she is enamored). Turns out that Diana had unwittingly changed the channel, and ignored the tivo warning about the recording.

So, let's recap...

  1. Delayed going to the gym to go together
  2. Delayed going to the gym for dinner
  3. Turns out Diana doesn't have her card
  4. Instead of recording 24, QVC is watched.

(Oh, and in case that wasn't enough, Diana skipped lunch, and we don't have much food because we haven't gone to the store in a week or so.)

Definitely seems like karma to me....
I hope Diana's debt is now paid.

Posted by dave at 10:13 PM | Comments (2)

February 06, 2005

Brandon's joke

Finally, Brandon's joke about a "premium" club at amazon becomes .

Quick, Bill, JOIN!

UPDATED: there... now bill has a link too. :)

Posted by dave at 06:54 PM | Comments (2)

Open Source Licensing

Someday someone should write up a comparison of the open source licenses. I know very little about it, but I know that I don't know the precise differences, and since I'm not a lawyer, it's unlikely a read-through of the license texts will reveal those differences to me.

I tend to think of myself as a smart guy, but I still don't get all the little differences. For example, I know that the GPL is "viral", in that it attacts itself to other programs or libraries with which it is linked. I also know that the GPL is the most radical license.

But, what's the difference between LGPL and MPL? or MPL and ASLv2? or ASLv2 and BSD? And what does it mean when someone says "its in the public domain"?

And what does it mean when a piece of software is released under multiple licenses? Does that mean that the user of the software chooses the license? or that the user must abide by all restrictions of all the licenses?

If you think there aren't that many licenses, check out Open Source Initiative's list of licenses that count as "open source". Although the OSI has lots of good info on these licenses, I'm amazed that there isn't a "Beginner's Guide to Open Source Licenses".

I have found this book on Amazon, but it's humorously not available under any open source license.

Posted by dave at 06:47 PM | Comments (0)

Jewel Quest

So, my wife's mother and aunt were in town this weekend, and introduced Diana to Jewel Quest. Now, I'll admit that the game is kinda interesting, and a bit addictive... but I'm not sure that I'll ever have another conversation with her. She's been playing constantly... with giddy laughs when she clears a board, and frustrated cursing when she can't.

Because we have wireless, at least we can sit on the couch while she plays for hours on end. I suspect she'd say the same sort of thing about the mindless blogging that I do. :)

Posted by dave at 05:42 PM | Comments (1)

Redland 1.0.0

Dave Beckett released Redland 1.0.0. Here's a list of programs already using Redland. You can also read Danny Ayers' blog entry about it.

If you've never heard of Redland, it's a totally awesome C based library for working with RDF. If you've never heard of RDF, you might check out Dave's unbelievably comprehesive resources list.

Posted by dave at 05:38 PM | Comments (0)

February 03, 2005

Funny video

here's a hilarious video... if you ever played Dungeons and Dragons, or know anyone who's played, you'll love this.


Posted by dave at 02:24 PM | Comments (0)