In an attempt to cut some costs from our monthly bills, I've decided to move to Time Warner cable's DVR service. It's $5 a month, instead of Tivo's $13. So far, I like that I have one fewer component boxes sitting on my shelf. It's nice that the shelf isn't packed to overflowing with plastic boxes. On the other hand, I have to relearn how to use the DVR. I liked Tivo and had no issues with the service at all. So far, I can't seem to figure out how to get a season pass for any shows. Time Warner's site has cool interactive guides, which seem very informative. Unfortunately, the interface they demonstrate in the guides does not match my interface. Not only does mine look different, my interface doesn't seem to function in the same way. That's quite a bummer. But I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually.
If you know, send me a comment with some easy to follow instructions. (Thanks in advance if you know it.)
Posted by dave at January 21, 2007 07:37 PM | TrackBackDave, it's too late for me. Save yourself and GO BACK TO TIVO. Why did you leave?? I have the TW DVR and HATE it. (I only keep it because it does dual-tuner HD.)
Anyway, I stumbled around w/ season passes too, until I finally relented and called TW. We might have different models, but on my I have to push the record button twice. That will bring up a little dialog box with the options. Note that if you say record only new episodes it doesn't really work. I found this out by their own admission & empirical proof. For broadcast shows it's not a problem, but things like Rome (where the "new" episode airs a few times the first week), mine picks it up each time. Making it more likely, you're going to miss a show expectantly.
Seriously -- reconsider going back to the Tivo.
Posted by: Bill at January 22, 2007 01:12 AMHeh... I just noticed this page was showing tivo ads... and just not any, but the Tivo3 w/ dual tuner HD input. Nice job, Google!
Posted by: Bill at January 22, 2007 01:13 AM