January 06, 2007

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Note to airlines

Please, please, please spend the extra few dollars on each airplane and install the little baby changing station in each lavatory. I know most of them are just little flip-down platforms. It couldn't possibly cost you more than $1 or $2 per lavatory. But the difference to a parent is *unbelieveable*.

I had to change Aurelia in a lavatory that didn't have the platform. So I had to lay her on the toilet seat cover. That alone is pathetic. Airplane toilets are already gross enough. So, she's lieing there and I'm trying to keep her from slipping down into the urine splattered floor as she's twisting and squirming. Meanwhile, I'm actually trying to change her diaper. You can't imagine how hard that is. Changing a diaper is easy. Changing a diaper while holding down a baby who's lieing on an uncomfortable plastic toilet seat in an uncomfortable position, who's squirming almost uncontrollably (can't say I blame her for that).... well, that's just plain hard.

In contrast, I had to change her on the return flight. That lavatory had a platform. It was almost as easy as changing her at home. Yeah, the little platform isn't pillowed or anything, but at least it's clean. And she fits on it. And it's at a reasonable height for me to change her. What a difference! Never have I so appreciated such a simple thing.

So, airline owners, spend the extra few bucks. It's a drop in the bucket for your multimillion dollar airplane. Hell, give me a small surcharge to guarantee that each lavatory has one. (You charge me for so many other weird things, I'm willing to pay a couple bucks extra for the ease of changing.) Just gimme the freakin' changing station!

Posted by dave at January 6, 2007 09:33 PM | TrackBack
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