April 24, 2006

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More Lost coolness...

I'm a huge lost fan. In fact, Diana and I are both such fans that we recently went through all the season 1 dvds from NetFlix. We had seen most of them, but wanted to ensure that we didn't miss one minute of any episode.

Because I'm such a fan, I can't wait for ABC's new online game about Lost. (For more background reading, see gizmodo's article on this type of thing.)

If the content of the TV show is any indication, this game promises to be pretty cool. Of course, I probably won't have to play the game myself... instead I'll just find someone who devotes all his/her waking hours to playing it and blogging about the meaning of various nuances in the TV show. But, knowing me, I'm sure I'll play for a while.

One odd thing about the article.... it doesn't say what the site is. So, I don't know where to go to play along... maybe I'll have to watch the 3 May episode closely to find out.

Anyway, kudos to ABC for this kind of thing. I totally dig the idea that "online" stuff can match and extend "offline" stuff.

Posted by dave at April 24, 2006 01:08 PM | TrackBack
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