February 18, 2006

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a true shocker

Got this email from Apple about my new MacBook letting met know that they are now shipping. Better yet, Apple tells me:

"we've continued to improve the entire MacBook Pro family and have upgraded your MacBook Pro from a 1.67 GHz processor to a 1.83 GHz processor at no additional cost! We anticipate shipping your order by March 8, 2006."


I can wait an extra week for and extra .16 GHz at no extra cost.

Humorously, they offered not to upgrade....

"If you decide you'd like to make a change to your upgraded MacBook Pro order, we're happy to help. You may reach us at..."

Yeah, right... who doesn't want a better computer at the same price? I guess, since PT Barnum was right ("sucker born every minute"), I'm sure someone doesn't want a more powerful computer at the same price for a 1 week delay. But this time, I'll let someone else play the role of the sucker :)

Posted by dave at February 18, 2006 03:03 PM | TrackBack

I don't think you could downgrade to the 1.67. From what I understand, you could change your order to the 2.xx GHz model. My understanding is that when they finally ramped production they went 1.83 and 2.xx as the final spec. I could be wrong though. But I think all the shipped units fell in to the 1.83/2.xx. I could be wrong.

Apple does not even shot 1.67 on their site at all. Oh and congrats on the purchase, hope it rocks, I have to wait since I just bought my 12" PowerBook in October.

Posted by: -craigt at February 18, 2006 05:13 PM
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