December 14, 2005

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where are these sites?

I was watching a program on the Discover/Times channel last night, and they used the term "Islamist websites". I've heard this term in the past. What I don't understand is - what are Islamist websites?

Is it just (whose english site can be found here)? I can't imagine that's the only one. But whenever news reports mention these sites, they always refrain from giving the actual URL - I suspect they do this because they don't want to drive more traffic to these sites or provide free advertising.

I understand this concern, but, to be honest, I'd like to read what they have to say. Not because I'm interested in jihad or anything like that. But I do believe in being fully informed on the issues - in particular hearing as many sides of an issue as I have time to read.

Anyone know of any of these sites?

Posted by dave at December 14, 2005 07:16 PM | TrackBack

When the beheadings where big you could stumble across some via the blogsphere. Typically, the ones I saw where things like message boards or sites the quality of most geocity pages.

As for reading them, not much luck unless you speak arabic...

Posted by: Bill at December 15, 2005 03:43 PM

Sweetie, great, nice entry -- now GW is going to have our phone tapped.

Posted by: Diana at January 19, 2006 10:02 PM
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