This is kinda interesting... if you fanatically follow blogs or the Google-Yahoo epic battle. In this Google Answers page you can find blogs written by various Google and Yahoo employees.
I wonder how much inside dirt one could obtain by aggregating all these blogs' rss feeds together... perhaps a My Yahoo page which details the internals of Google?
I don't read all, or even most, of these blogs, but I thought I'd share the list for those curious.
Posted by dave at July 5, 2005 09:53 PM | TrackBackThere are so many blogs missing from that list, it's kinda funny.
Posted by: Jeremy Zawodny at July 5, 2005 11:29 PMYeah, but it's becoming the verbatim list. Personally, I don't mind, but I wouldn't mind an "official" registry for folks that want to be known as Yahoo! Bloggers.
Oh yeah, and I hope that gottaquestion0-ga got their money back. I could find more bloggers using Yahoo!.