June 22, 2005

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maybe i'll get a volvo

Yesterday morning, Dietrich's dad was broadsided by an SUV going 50, who ran a red light. The car was thrown into the air, landed upside down on the sidewalk, on top of some newspaper boxes. Unbelievably, he is completely ok. Just a few scratches. But check out the damage at http://dietrich.ganx4.com/gallery/PopsOldCar/sDSC01241

I swear Volvo must be amazing. My Honda civic suddenly seems so much worse.

Posted by dave at June 22, 2005 09:59 AM | TrackBack

Well I wouldn't worry too much about your Honda. My Mom and sis were rearended in their 88 Civic by an SUV that didn't brake at all at about 40 MPH. They survived. The only skid marks were from the Civic, none for the SUV AT ALL. The Civic was totaled. Your Civic would fair even better. Also every accidnet is unique so you never know. But, Volvo makes a safe car, no doubt, although with Ford as their owners now I don't think I would buy one, but that's my opinion.

Posted by: -craigt at June 22, 2005 01:57 PM
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