June 19, 2005

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Things that make me go hmm

I guess by now most people heard about this...
Ex-White House Official to Join Fuel Co.

This kind of thing drives me completely nuts. Here's my short summary:

  • Philip Cooney lobbies on behalf of big oil companies
  • Bush appoints him to be chief of staff on Council on Environmental Quality
  • Phil alters government reports linking burning fossil fuels to global warming
  • Word leaks that Phil altered reports
  • Phil "resigns" governmental position to join Exxon

What the hell is that? First off, why the hell was he appointed to the Council on Environmental Quality? The guy went to work for Exxon! Yeah, Exxon. The company that brings you such fantastic environmental catastrophes as the Exxon Valdez. If you can't remember that one, here are some quick links for reference.

In short, this was the largest oil spill in U.S. history. And the damage is still being cleaned up.

Ok, so maybe the folks in the government would say "well, we didn't know he was going to quit and go to work for one of the biggest pollutors in the world". Fair enough... but he lobbied for the oil companies before he joined the government.

Who reasonably expected this guy to give fair and balanced advice? Did anyone!?!?!? I'm not suggesting that you select some raving Greenpeace person for this kind of position... but come on! At least pick someone who would offer a level-headed analysis.

<deep breath>

This kind of stuff just drives me nuts. I can't wait until I get another chance to vote some sense into the White House.

Posted by dave at June 19, 2005 05:03 PM | TrackBack

Who are you going to put in though? The Democrats do the same type of shit. Didn't the LA Times just have a front page story about how a top Democrat spearheaded a spending bill that ended up going to 10 firms his *brother* lobbied for?

Posted by: William Reardon at June 19, 2005 09:04 PM
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