Jeff Boulter’s Weblog » Blog Archive » How not to Get Hired at Yahoo!
This is by far one of the funniest blog entries I've read recently. I wholeheartedly agree with Jeff on these points. I've spoken with many candidates who do several of these things, but I don't think I've had quite the number of disappointments that Jeff has.
I suspect these anti-suggestions apply to any company, not just Yahoo. But it is well worth a quick read and a hearty laugh.
Posted by dave at March 25, 2005 04:07 PM | TrackBackI'm happy that at least some amusement can come from all this suffering. Sadly, I'm sure I'll have many more things to add to the list.
Posted by: Jeff Boulter at March 25, 2005 07:49 PMHow not to hire at Yahoo.
Having recently recovered from a recruitment process at Yahoo (resulting in my walking away from the offer), I'd like to offer my own list of bullet points.
1. Don't contact your applicant. I know you'd just had a baby Dave, but could someone have called prior to two weeks and a host of ignored followups having passed?
2. When the applicant expresses concerns about contract wording, be dissmissive and refuse to meet to talk the concerns out. Just demand a signature, it's easier that way. Kudos to Yahoo Legal on that one.
3. Don't forget to wait an extra day or two beyond when you said you'd call. It helps make the applicant feel insignificant and bully them into caving on #2.
Don't get me wrong, Yahoo's got a great benefits package, what looks like a fun work environment, and the travel arrangements for my first round interviews were top notch. But like an IPO... the bubble bursts quick.
Posted by: Sara Golemon at December 28, 2005 11:43 AM