January 28, 2005

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test tomorrow

Tomorrow is my big test day. As some of you loyal readers may know, I am taking the GMAT, and tomorrow is the day. 9:30 - 1:30 am. And, man, am I feeling stressed.

I've been studying for about a month and a half with a Kaplan book. May not be the greatest plan, but I feel like the test prep book has really helped. Of course, on my initial diagnostic GMAT test, I scored 600... and now after all my studying, my score varies from 660 to 570. I'm really hoping that tomorrow is more of a 660-kinda day.

Either way, I'm pretty sure I'll be quaffing many stiff drinks tomorrow. But for tonight, it's butterflies all the way.

Actually, it's kinda strange. I'm not one of those people who are terrific at standardized tests, but I've never been horrible at it either. I like to think that I'm smart, but, to be honest, I'm a bit frightened that 1.5 months of study has either improved my score by 10% or lowered my score by 5%. I'd actually feel better if it was just consistent... higher or lower, at least if it were consistent, I'd have a better idea of how I will do tomorrow.

If I do reasonably well, I plan to apply to UCLA's Fully Employed MBA (FEMBA). You can read about it at http://www.anderson.ucla.edu/x119.xml. (BTW, how cool are they? .xml is their file extension... I feel like a bit of a loser.) The program actually seems pretty cool. It's a lot of work, and if I am accepted, I'll definitely be spending less time doing things purely for pleasure... but I think it'll be worth it for me in the long run.

Anyways, I'm gonna go feel stressed out... I can't decide if I will report my score here or not. I think I'll just worry about the test for now tho.

Posted by dave at January 28, 2005 03:54 PM

Good Luck Dave! I'm sure you will do well.

Posted by: Craig at January 28, 2005 04:35 PM

Good luck, Dave! Although having known you in college, I know you're one of the last people who will need it. You'll do awesome, dude.

A guy in b-school at work was trying to convince me to go... you'll have to tell me more about UCLA's program (and the GMAT!) at Craig's party.

Posted by: Bill at January 28, 2005 04:52 PM

Sweetie, "your loyal readers"? you've made like 5 entries. I love you, but you're so strange.

Posted by: Diana at January 29, 2005 01:24 PM
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